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Tuesday, September 17, 2024 
Zero College Debt Program
Program Resources
Evaluation Worksheet


Student Financing Program



If you are entering college, you are well aware of the kind of debt you will incur over four years in the education process.  Figure your debt upfront and decide:



Yr 1

Yr 2

Yr 3

Yr 4


















































Less scholarships






Owed after graduation:







Sample case is based on attending the University of Texas (Austin) 2009-2010.  You will pay over $153,388 (non-resident) for 4-years of college (tuition and campus housing only, additional fees will apply as well).  Even if you receive scholarships, you will still require additional funds to meet all your requirements.  This program is designed to help you generate cash flow, get tax advantages and learn about changing residency status over your years at college.  


The Zero College Debt Program gives you all the support you need to help you identify where you can save money, identify potential properties, attract tenants, work with the college counselor to establish in-state residency and also provide you with ongoing seminars and educational opportunities.  This site will be under continuous development to make sure you are informed of any new tax advantages, new legislation that may impact you and other topics to help you minimize your after-college debt.


How much will your loans cost you?