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Tuesday, September 17, 2024 
Zero College Debt Program
Student debt is increasing rapidly!
Learn strategies to decrease long term college debt

How much debt will you have after graduation?

Today's college graduates are faced with increasing debt load.  This graph shows you how fast the amount of debt is increasing and the rate is alarming!  What will you owe when you graduate?  Through the Zero College Debt Program, we are developing innovative solutions that may be of assistance to you and your family.  We also work with a group of Independent Certified College Planners who may also be of assistance.  We hope you will take the time to explore this website and learn how we might be able to help you develop a strategy to control your debt.

Graph of increasing burden of student loans

Please take a moment to read this recent article from the New York Times,

In Grim Job Market, Student Loans Are a Costly Burden




Email us for a copy of the Impact of College Debt presentation.  It is a real eye-opener if you are concerned how your students will survive after college.

Also ask for an update on what is happening to student debt.  You will be surprised at the long term impact.