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Friday, September 13, 2024 
Zero College Debt Program
About the Founder
Terry J Toomey
President and Founder



When my daughters went to college, I was very proud of them for their accomplishments.  Both got scholarships and worked while in college to keep their after-college debt as low as possible.  The under graduate years were pretty manageable, but during their graduate programs, because of the course load and no time to take part time jobs, their expenses mounted.  I thought at the time that something should be done to help students find alternative solutions to minimize the amount of debt.  At the time, I was not involved with Real Estate.  It wasn’t until many years later and I became a REALTOR® that I put all the components together that resulted in the Zero College Debt Program™.  Our goal is zero debt, not our promise.  Every market is different and we have to look at all the local factors to see how we might structure a deal that will work for you.  College debt is spiraling out of control and new strategies are needed to help students and families create a better plan to pay for college.


Terry is one of the most dedicated, experienced and knowledgeable Real Estate Agents in the country.  She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Management from Elmira College and an MBA from Syracuse University.  Terry is a licensed REALTORÒ and a member of the Austin Board of REALTORSÒ, the Texas Association of REALTORSÒ, and the National Association of REALTORSÒ as well as being a member of several commercial Real Estate Associations such as the Central Texas Commercial Association of REALTORSÒ, Certified Commercial Investment Manager (CCIM) (candidate), and the Central Texas CCIM. Terry is one of the few REALTORS in the nation to hold the professional designation “GRI” (Graduate of the REALTOR Institute) and is working toward her CCIM designation for excellence in Commercial Real Estate.


Terry’s in-depth training includes special real estate courses such as Real Estate Practice, Economics, Financing, Property Management, Legal Aspects, Real Estate Appraisal, Real Estate Investments, Exchanges, Taxation, Creative Financing, and many more. If your future requires counseling in the purchase or sale of real estate, please send Terry an email.



Building Wealth Series

Presented topics to help people understand issues about owning and managing Real Estate to build personal wealth.

Funding Education using Real Estate

Offered to college students and their parents


Investor Seminar: Investing Near & Far

Partnered with two R/E investment firms, a title company, finance company, R/E attorney and others to present the best available information on investing in Commercial Real Estate.




Paladin International Inc.

Public Relations Services for over 20 years

League of Women Voters

Active member for over 25 years

Women in Technology (D.C.)

Active member for over 10 years, Marketing and Public Relations

Developed Conferences to help small business

(profiled through the Business and Technology Insider radio show)

Marketing to the Federal Government 2004.

Developed key contacts with federal agencies and contractors. 

Developed multiple seminars to help people understand complicated issues of real estate.

  • Building Wealth Series
  • Zero College Debt, using real estate to finance college
  • Investing Near & Far



Check out Terry’s LinkedIn profile:  http://www.linkedin.com/in/terrytoomey