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Friday, September 13, 2024 
Zero College Debt Program
The ZCD Foundation
About the ZCD Foundation
Join today and raise scholarship funds for your students!

The ZCD Foundation has just received approval from IRS as a 501 (c) 3 public charity.  This is a national foundation and will focus on raising money for scholarships.  Here is the website ( http://www.thezcdfoundation.com ).  Funds raised in this program will go back to the communities that raised them.  Each fundraising activity will be coded so funds raised can be tracked and earmarked for scholarships in your location.  If you are looking for a way to raise funds for your college bound students, please email us for more information.

Only participating communities can offer scholarships from their own fundraising events.  We will work with you to develop fund raising events, take in the applications, create judging panels and work with local advisors and consultants to award the scholarships.  All funds will be distributed to the college, not directly to the student.  Rules/ Application/ additional information will be on the website.