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Thursday, January 30, 2025 
HOME The Iota Chapter of Rho Psi Society
The Iota Chapter of Rho Psi Society (華府素友會)


The Rho Psi Fraternity was founded in 1916 at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. In May of that year, a lease was signed for the first Fraternity House, and two months later, the original constitution was adopted. This founding Chapter was later known as Alpha Chapter of Rho Psi.

The Chinese name of the Society is Soo-You which literally means pure and genuine friendship. The objectives of the Society are: to promote and perpetuate friendship among members, to develop congeniality and brotherhood in the fraternal life, and to cultivate the spirit of cooperation and self-sacrifice. The history of Rho Psi and its chapters can be found on the Society history page.

The Iota Chapter of Rho Psi is in the greater Washington area and our Chinese name is 華府素友會.



華府素友會為了啟發和培育華裔青少年的身心均衡發展,鼓勵並且表揚華裔青年的傑出表現,在大華府地區設立華裔青年獎學金已有五十多年的歷史。 更值得一提的是素友會獎學金選拔和競賽的過程嚴密,為有意參與全國性競賽的學生們提供了練習和發揮的平台,又因素友會評審委員們都是在各自領域的佼佼者或是成功的創業人士,他們給與參賽者提供了寶貴的意見和經驗,使與賽者受益匪淺。歷年來素友會獎學金得主,進入一流學府者為數眾多,得到全國性競賽獎的也不乏人在。

2012 年度獎學金頒獎典禮中,素友會同時也為學生們舉辦了一場「如何成功的申請一流大學」的座談會。會中邀請了多位獎學金得主在場分享他們的心得,同一年秋季他們分別進入了頂尖學府: Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, Cornell, and University of Maryland at College Park。這項活動受到家長和學生們的共鳴和熱烈歡迎,屆時也將會在2013年度頒獎典禮中邀請多位優秀大學生分享他們大學申請的心路歷程和提供他們成功的經驗。


年華裔青年獎學金, 總預算為 $50,000,目標頒發給 100位以上的得獎人. 總共有五個獎學金項目。個人可申請多項獎學金,並可贏得多項名次及獎狀。