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JoonBug Who is JoonBug?
This Website is ALL about JoonBug
For JoonBug


*You can read updates on the website under "A JoonBug's Life".*

Why "JoonBug"?

JoonBug is a nickname I have been using since 1990.  I needed a nickname to use when I was on the internet and I used this nickname strictly on the internet in the beginning.  Actually, in the VERY beginning, I used another nickname, JuneBug, but at that time, in the world of revolutionary IRC, there was another person nicknamed JuneBug and he/she frequented erotic #channels.  I did not want to be mistaken for the other JuneBug, and I also do not like sharing nicknames.  So, I changed the nickname to JoonBug.  I really like this nickname but in the recent years, I have noticed more and more JoonBugs surfacing on the internet.  I'd like to think that I am the first JoonBug on the internet.  I could be wrong, but I can dream.      

What does JoonBug offer?

First of all, JoonBug does NOT have schedules of party events or offer singles meeting singles resources: JoonBug is a cool chick who likes gather information that she deems interesting, and there is so much information that she needs a website to organize it!  

In sum, this website is a virtual organization of JoonBug's interests.  If it's on this website, then JoonBug likes it. 

The purpose of this website is to:

  • Compile and list JoonBug's interests, mainly Japanese Swarovski crystal beading, Japanese Anime and Manga, and Computer Games.  I am still working on all sections.
  • Entertain JoonBug's family.
  • Proudly show off JoonBug's favorite pooch in the entire world.
  • Record anything that JoonBug feels like to write about on a daily basis (A JoonBug's Life).
  • Store various resources that JoonBug uses routinely.
  • Display items that JoonBug intends to sell from her possessions in an online store, and enable people to purchase if desired (JoonBug Shop, hasn't really worked on it, yet).
  • Keep track of current hot deals or discount opportunities because JoonBug LOVES to (bargain) shop (Shopping 411).
  • Possibly gather people that have the same interests as JoonBug and create a little community through the Message Board. (I still need to work on setting it up right.)
  • Advocate the causes that JoonBug believes in (JoonBug For Cause).
  • List events that JoonBug is interested in attending so she won't forget them.
  • Share JoonBug's interests with the public so they can either save some money, learn about websites that JoonBug likes, shop from the little storefront, make friends, or whatever way that they find useful and/or entertaining to them on this website.


Lastly, but definitely not the least, this website cannot go without mentioning the reason of this website's existence.  This website is sponsored by ENDIVA, Inc., and is powered by ENDIVA.  Without it, this website would not have been possible at all.  I decide the content, style, colors, theme, and everything else for the website, but it is ENDIVA that executes and makes what I want in this website a reality. 

I am not a technical person and I don't know computer languages and codes, but with ENDIVA, I am able to create my own website without knowing HTML.  I am rather pleased with this website and I am hooked on working on this website as I learn what it can do!  Making this website has been really fun for me, and this comes from someone who had no interest in making a website because it's just too much hassle and sounds so boring.  I have used only a little of what this powerful tool can do because I am an individual and this is not a corporate website, but it is capable of handling and managing websites huge corporations with thousands of employees, along with many many other functions and features.  

I am not the best person to describe in detail this powerful tool, so go visit ENDIVA's website if you are interested in finding out more about it or want to experience it yourself, and tell them that JoonBug send you.    


Since there is so much to update on this website, I haven't been really diligent on spell/grammar checks.  If you catch anything that's a mistake, or if you discover a link that's not working properly, please shoot me an e-mail.