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Manga and Anime
Manga and Anime Anime Reviews
Anime Reviews
Battle Angel ("Gunnm")
Yukito Kishiro

I watched the VHS version of "Battle Angel" and it was English dubbed.  Not my ideal choice for audio but I made do.  I thought this video was more of a movie for the Battle Angel manga series or a shortened version of the story, but "Battle Angel" contained Part 1 and 2 of the series.  Each part is about 30 minutes long.

I was eager to watch Battle Angel because I read the complete series in manga form.  Normally, I am not into the gruesome action manga and animes (see under manga review)but I really like this series. 

Gally (name given by Dr. Ito) was only a human head without any memory when Dr. Ito found it in a scrap yard.  Armed with weapons and a metal body, she chose to become a bounty hunter, eliminating the wanted criminals of Scrap Iron City.  She finds herself with foes such as spine thieves, the brain-eating gladiator Greweicia, Mr. Vector, and Dr. Ito's old friend, Dr. Chiren.  But the most challenging assignment she has was when she was ordered to kill her best friend (also her significant other), Hugo.

Comparing the video and the manga, Part 1 of Battle Angel corresponds to Battle Angel Alita, and Part 2 to Tears of an Angel.  There are a lot more of the details, both in story and the drawings, in the manga, but the video cut a lot of it out.  The two versions are different, yet similar.  They added some characters, such as Dr. Chiren, substituted some characters from the manga, and changed some of the details of the story which makes the story different enough that it's still new and interesting to watch the video even if you read the mangas already. 

I am disappointed that they cut out so much details, but only because I read the manga first.  Gally looks younger than she was in the manga and a lot of the cruel and gruesome scenes were cut, also.  The manga showed more feelings, character developments, fighting techniques, and fighting scenes, but the video makes the story flow better.  The manga exceeds the video by a lot but even if I didn't read the manga, I'd have liked the video anyway.  Each version has its own charm and I think gives different feelings to the viewers. 

I think this is a good collectible and I recommend this video if you are into action anime.


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