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Manga and Anime
Manga and Anime Anime Reviews
Anime Reviews
Ghost in the Shell
Mamoru Oshii

Hmm... What should I say about Ghost in the Shell?  I don't dislike it but I don't understand the hype about it, either.  The first time I watched it, it was over my head.  I got only the very major gist of the story, and it boggled my mind why the anime was such a big deal.  They raved about the innovative technique used for anime and how it was never seen before, blah blah blah.  There was nothing that I haven't seen.  Then, I thought, the anime was made in 1995.  Was that when anime started using CGI type of method to integrate into animes?  Was that why people went oooooh and ahhhh's over this anime?  If so, then I understand.  As for the story, it was ok.  I just don't see what's so great about it.  It remineded me of battle angel.  Major acts and talks so stiffly and I didn't like that, but I guess that's because she's a cyborg?  I don't know.  It just makes her so dead looking, especially her fake looking eyes - big and doll-like. 

I'd probably give it a more favorable sounding review if the anime didn't get all the hype and fuss, but since it did receieve too much recognition, I probably end up sounding more negative than I feel.  I do have a favorte scene in the anime, and that's when Major was fighting the tank.  It looked groteque yet cold when she tries to open the top of the tank.  One thing I did not like was the English dubbing and subtitle.  I had both on and what I heard and what I read are different enough that I feel that you get two versions of the story with the two.  It makes me wonder what the real translation would be.  I never understood why people would change translations.  Is it because who did the translation didn't understand it and just made up what they guessed the chraracters were saying?  That's quite annoying as I am someone who care only what the original meaning is. 

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