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Manga and Anime
Manga and Anime Anime Reviews
Anime Reviews
Kiki's Delivery Service
Hayao Miyazaki

KiKi's Delivery Service is very enjoyable to watch.  The anime seems to to be suitable for little girls to watch, but it has a deeper and more serious side of the story.  Kiki's only thirteen and she already has to go outside of her family and find a living on her own.  She is not scared of it and is eager to welcome the opportunity.  Even though she has no special talents, she makes do with what she knows and doesn't give up.  She endures poor attitudes from people but she doesn't get discouraged from that; instead, she decides to keep on giving the city a try.  With time, she meets nice people and earned their trust with her personality.  The anime is full of adventure and humor and is a great anime to watch for al ages. 

What I found that was really interesting is voice actors who did the voices for the characters.  Kirsten Dunst did the voice for Kiki.  Matthew Lawrence did the voice for Tombo.  Phil Hartman did the voice for Gigi, the cat.  Janeane Garolfala did the voice for Ursula.  That's quite a cast and I had no idea that they did the voices until now.  I've watched the movie a few times already. 


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