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Saturday, September 7, 2024 
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Services Services

Department of Homeland Security Services


 Financial Management Services

  • Assisting with the development of standard financial management practices, materials, and reports
  • Training development including development of materials
  • Logistics and scheduling
  • Personnel support for monitoring activities  

Budget Support Services

  • Developing Congressional justifications, cost estimations, and program plans as well as tracking commitments, obligations, and invoices
  • Providing support for reconciliation between records and the official accounting system of record
  • Developing various monthly reports
  • Coordinating procurement packages through the procurement lifecycle
  • Supporting DHS Office of Procurement Operations to obtain periodic status reports
  • Support in establishing, documenting, testing, and monitoring internal control activities


Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)


SAM Inc. has provided financial management, budget support, and grants management support services to the Preparedness Program Division (PPD) of the Department of Homeland Security Office of Grants and Training (G&T).

Responsibilities include: assisting with the development of standard financial management practices, developing Congressional justifications, cost estimating, program plans, and tracking commitments, obligations, and invoices. Provides grant related documentation and briefings, track and update grant history, and files information provided by the Office of Grant Operations (OGO) and the Office of the Comptroller (OC).


Financial Accountability and Oversight (FAO) Control Desk Support


SAM Inc. has provided financial and administrative grants management support and is responsible for managing the paper flow of source documents and records in an effort to ensure document control from the time of award through the archival process. The Control Desk accepts incoming documents for processing (grant award packages, award acceptances, grant adjustments/modifications, payment requests, closeouts, etc.), facilitates the processing of these documents and requests, and creates and maintains GPD’s official grant files.



Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Federal Protection Service (FPS)


SAM Inc. has provided expert advice on activity based cost (ABC) model development and application to support of the DHS Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Federal Protective Service Activity. This includes resource cost assessment and analysis, limited activity based costing and analysis, comprehensive activity based costing analysis, business process reengineering, and budget/performance integration framework.