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Manga and Anime
Manga and Anime Anime Reviews
Anime Reviews
Osamu Tezuka

When I first saw this anime, I wasn't very impressed with the story.  However, the drawing reminded me immensely of the Astro Boy style.  The legs of Kenishi were drawn like tree trunks like in Astro Boy, and Duke Red and his big nose reminded me of characters from both Astro Boy and Black Jack.  Well.. When I found out that METROPOLIS was a product of Osamu Tezuka, "Duh!", I thought.  I should've known better because that's like Tezuka's signature style. The story was written by Katsuhiro Otomo and directed by Rintaro.

The drawing and the feel of the anime had this rather advanced feeling.  There were scenes and some backgrounds that seem to have been computer generated.  The anime was dubbed in English, and it was not bad.  What bothered me was the music.  I don't know; the music just didn't seem to go with the anime and I even felt like it was some kind of distraction to the anime. 

The story itself was all right.  Duke Red is a powerful leader of METROPOLIS and he had Tima, a very advanced robot, to "save" and lead the world, but Duke Red's son, Rock, distrusts robots and intends to stop Tima from ruling the world.  Tima makes friend with Kenishi who's the nephew of a Japanese detective (who looks like the Monopoly Man who carries a money bag), not knowing that she's a very special robot.  When she finds out that she's in fact a robot, she assumes the seat that allow her to connect herself to the central computer and leads to the danger of human race. 

I suspect that the movie was supposed to be touching but I wasn't very touched, even toward the end.  I saw this movie twice and I think I appreciated it better the second time, I guess because I was able to follow the story better.   

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